Nghĩa Của Từ Bake Là Gì ? Nghĩa Của Từ Bake Trong Tiếng Việt

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Đang xem: Bake là gì

Most frequently prosecuted were bakers and brewers, who were regularly fined for baking defective bread or for selling beer above price.
In the case of the which lots field, the user has chosen natural language (“each baked lot”), which allows universal quantification (“each”) to be expressed easily.
Receiving visitors at home (including family, friends and relatives), sewing and baking were the only other activities which registered a participation rate of more than 10 per cent.
Bakers could work suitable hours; the bread would be frozen, and that would be an end to night baking.
The simple fact is that the master bakers of the big baking combines, and the trade unions concerned, have got together.
We are seeing a possible result of this kind in the baking industry, but it could spread to other areas.
In my estimation, there should be made easily available for every citizen the best bread that modern milling and baking can produce.
No; my information is that the two sides of the baking industry are capable of regulating conditions of employment by themselves.
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