” Bassist Là Gì Trong Tiếng Việt? Bass Là Gì Trong Âm Nhạc Và Các Lĩnh Vực Khác

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Đang xem: Bassist là gì

In both bands, a male lead guitarist or bassist had constructed their musical identity, and female performers took secondary roles.
Our current project involves a return to real-time comprovisation, featuring two electroacoustic drummers and an electroacoustic bassist.
These compositions were considered to be unplayable by many bassists in the early part of the 20th century, but are now frequently performed.
The two drummers are cousins, the percussionist”s sister is the lead singer”s fianc, and the bassist is the lead guitarist”s uncle.
Tristano”s mimicking of a jazz bassist”s accompaniment with his left hand on these recordings is distinctive and often imitated.
He is a self-taught pianist, vocalist, keyboardist, bassist, record producer, songwriter and soundtrack composer.
More importantly, and unusually for bands of the time, they had only one guitarist (not two), alongside a bassist and a drummer.
The band later expanded to include a second acoustic guitarist and bassist, before again expanding to include two full-time percussion members.
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