Danh Từ Của Short – Nghĩa Của Từ : Short

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Short books, letters, and other examples of writing do not contain many words and do not take much time to read:
unable to breathe very well, for example because you have been running or doing some type of energetic exercise:
We use low for things which are not high, or which are close to the ground or to the bottom of something: …
We wanted to explain the plans fully, but the chairman stopped us short, as there were other important matters to discuss.

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leave sth short of sth The rocky economy has left the state so short of money that it must cut spending.

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used to describe the selling of shares that you have borrowed, hoping that their price will fall before you buy them back and return them to their owner, making a profit:
In a short sale, an investor can sell stock he doesn”t own, hoping to buy the shares at a cheaper price later on.
if you sell shares short, you sell shares that you have borrowed, hoping that their price will fall before you buy them back and return them to their owner, making a profit:
to sell shares that you have borrowed, hoping that their price will fall before you buy them back and return them to their owner, so that you make a profit:
Unfortunately, it is difficult in a short space to do justice to a book which already is a philosophical classic.
Limited almost exclusively to problems of spatial perception, that analysis gives short shrift to even the most fundamental issues of psychological or physiological import.
After a short pause the two stimuli were given in reversed positions, again 25 choices were recorded and correct choices rewarded.
Such studies have been very useful in mapping the cognitive architecture of human short-term memory to specific brain regions.

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