Foam Test Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ Foaming Test, Ober&#39S Test

Máy kiểm tra nén Foam một cột Model: SSTM-5KN-F của hãng United – USA sử dụng để thử nén Foam, nệm theo ASTM D 3574 và ASTM D 5672. Còn được gọi là Foam testing Machine, Máy kiểm tra nén nệm, máy thử nén nệm…

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Thử nén Foam, nệm theo:

Testing Method According to ASTM D 3574-03If the foam is 4″ thick or less, use D3574 for testing 25% IFD.D-3574 Test B1 describes the following steps…(1) Find the top of the foam; measure the thickness with pressure of 4.5N(1lb).(2) Preflex 75%. (Speed: :250±25 mm/min)(3) Return to the top of the foam.(4) Preflex 75%. (Speed: :250±25 mm/min)(5) Return to the top of the foam; mark the press location on the foam.(6) Wait 6 minutes for the foam to relax.(7) Find the top of the foam; measure the thickness with pressure of 4.5N(1lb).(8) Compress 25% of the recorded thickness. (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(9) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(10) Take IFD reading (25% IFD)(11) Compress 65% of the recorded thickness. (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(12) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(13) Take IFD reading (65% IFD)(14) Return to 25% position. (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(15) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(16) Take IFD reading (2'nd 25% IFD)(17) Return to top of foam, and remove cushion.For normal production monitoring of Measurement of specimen: 400mm×400mm×100mm.The minimum measurement of specimen: 380mm×380mm×100mm.For normal production monitoring of >4″ foam, use ASTM D5672 and modify the steps as it specifies.For certification testing, use Steps 1-17. Actually steps 14-16 is not listed in that standard,but it is considered part of the test so that Hysteresis can be computed.The most important numbers from these tests are:25% IFD is simply the value from step 10.Support factor is simply the ratio of step 13 divided by step 10. This is 65%/25%. The higher this number is, the better.Hysteresis is simply the % loss of step 16 from step 10. This is (step 16-step 10) / (step 10).The closer to zero this number is, the better. It will always be negative.The Ashley Bump test is a modification of Steps 1-10, and step 17.

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It is used in Ashley to test production-sized cushions.

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Testing Method According to ASTM D 5672-03D5672 is used for testing 25% IFD on foam that is thicker than 4″. D-5672 describes the following steps…(1) Find the top of the foam; measure the thickness with pressure of 4.5N(1lb).(2) Preflex 75mm(3 inch). (Speed: :250±25 mm/min)(3) Return to the top of the foam.(4) Preflex 75mm(3 inch). (Speed: :250±25 mm/min)(5) Return to the top of the foam; mark the press location on the foam.(6) Wait 6 minutes for the foam to relax.(7) Find the top of the foam; measure the thickness with pressure of 4.5N(1lb).(8) Compress 25mm(1 inch). (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(9) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(10) Take IFD reading (25% IFD)(11) Compress 65mm(2.6inch). (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(12) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(13) Take IFD reading (65% IFD)(14) Return to 25mm(1 inch) position. (Speed::50±5 mm/min)(15) Wait one minute (while foam is compressed).(16) Take IFD reading (2'nd 25% IFD)(17) Return to top of foam, and remove cushion.For normal production monitoring of >4″ foam, use ASTM D5672 as above steps.For normal production monitoring of For certification testing, use Steps 1-17. Actually steps 14-16 is not listed in that standard,but it is considered part of the test so that Hysteresis can be computed.The most important numbers from these tests are:25% IFD is simply the value from step 10.Support factor is simply the ratio of step 13 divided by step 10. This is 65%/25%. The higher this number is, the better.Hysteresis is simply the % loss of step 16 from step 10. This is (step 16-step 10) / (step 10).The closer to zero this number is, the better. It will always be negative.The Ashley Bump test is a modification of Steps 1-10, and step 17. It is used in Ashley to test production-sized cushions.

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