Nghĩa Của Từ Divorce Tiếng Anh Là Gì? Divorce Bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ divorce




divorce /di”vɔ:s/ danh từ sự ly dị (nghĩa bóng) sự lìa ra, sự tách ra ngoại động từ cho ly dị; ly dị (chồng vợ…) làm xa rời, làm lìa khỏi, tách ra khỏito divorce one thing from another: tách một vật này ra khỏi vật khác
ly hôn

Từ điển chuyên ngành Pháp luật

Divorce: Ly dị Chấm dứt hôn nhân hợp pháp theo lệnh của tòa án theo pháp luật của một quốc gia.

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): divorce, divorcee, divorce, divorced

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): divorce, divorcee, divorce, divorced


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Từ điển Collocation

divorce noun

ADJ. amicable, uncontested | acrimonious, bitter | messy, painful | quick

VERB + DIVORCE want | apply for, ask for, file for, petition for, seek, sue for, want She filed for divorce in 1996. | get, obtain He told her that he was married but getting a divorce. | experience, go through She watched her parents go through an acrimonious divorce. | agree to, consent to | contest These days divorce is rarely contested. | grant (sb) Over 50,000 divorces were granted last year. | refuse sb | end in An increasing number of marriages end in divorce.

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DIVORCE + VERB come through He is waiting for the divorce to come through before he remarries.

DIVORCE + NOUN court | case, proceedings | decree, settlement | figures, rate, statistics The divorce rate has been growing steadily since 1971. | law

PREP. ~ from her divorce from the pop star | ~ on the grounds of seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty

PHRASES grounds for divorce He cited adultery as grounds for divorce.

Từ điển WordNet



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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

divorces|divorced|divorcingsyn.: disconnect disjoin divide separate

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