Nghĩa Của Từ Suitability Là Gì, Suitability Là Gì

Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từọc các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Đang xem: Suitability là gì

The differences in the contexts in which these vessels were used indicate that they varied in their suitability to serve in social strategies.
Study of the effect of food on the biology of insects is important in understanding host suitability of plant-infesting insect species.
These factors include prices and production costs, crop yields, fish productivity and the suitability of land for agriculture or fish production.
It was stated that the employment of a wetnurse was to be decided on the basis of her suitability and her economic status.
Aside from reconfirming the primacy of political experience as a determinant of democratic suitability, the increase in understanding is modest.
Finally, the suitability of a hypothesis always depends on the desired quality of the sought solution.
Technologies and production systems that improve the suitability of manure for industrial and energy uses should be developed.
The absence of any objective indicators of suitability could result in suitable patients not being referred or unsuitable patients being accepted, or both.
The array was generated by combining the preference and suitability indicators for each of the three governments.
The suitability of an explanation can only be judged against the background of one”s other beliefs and experiences.
Table 2 summarizes changes in democratic support by tracking the combinations of personal preference and judgments of suitability across three government periods.
However, the deciding factor here should not be accessibility but suitability of a study design to answering the decision makers” question.

Tham khảo ngay  Đầu Số 0124 Là Mạng Gì, Sim Đầu Số 0124 Đổi Thành Đầu Số 10 Số Nào?

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The suitability of a particular application for parallel deployment over a loosely-coupled system is determined fundamentally by the granularity of tasks.
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Xem thêm: Chó Shiba Giá Shiba Inu Thuần Chủng Nhật Bản Siêu Đáng Yêu, Giá Shiba Inu (Shib) Hôm Nay 28/07

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