Take On Board Là Gì ? What Is The Meaning Of To Get On Board

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Would you please tphunutiepthi.vn me what it means to say “to get on board” in the following sentence?

Nothing gets the organization on board quicker than clearly demonstrating the real impact of value pricing.



When someone gets onboard a ship, they are agreeing to go on the voyage with the rest of the crew. So, by analogy, when we say that people are “on board” when they agree to go participate in any adventure or enterprise. Just as getting on board a ship mean that you agree to go where the ship is going and to support the rest of the crew in meeting the perils of the journey, so “getting on board” with a project means that you agree to the direction and promise to help.

Absolutely. Some people got whacked on the back of the head and woke up on their way to Australia. People get press ganged on board in the corporate world today as wphunutiepthi.vn. Some, on the other hand, are eager to get on board. The phrase, both in its origins and its modern usage seems to cover both the happy volunteer and the reluctant conscript. –user10365 Aug 24 “16 at 19:52
To get someone on board here means to get someone”s co-operation or support.

Tham khảo ngay  Ăn Gì Sau Khi Hút Thai - Những Lưu Ý Về Chăm Sóc Sức Khỏe Sau Hút Thai

So the example sentence means

Clearly demonstrating the real impact of value pricing is the most effective way to ensure support from the organization.

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get on board,

is a some what informal phrase that means; To agree with a course of action or opinion. urban dictionary top description

“It”s a new approach and we want everyone to get on board and make it happen.”

A similar phrase would be;

“It”s a new approach and we want everyone to jump in and make it happen.”


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