Nghĩa Của Từ Work As Là Gì Và Cấu Trúc Cụm Từ Work As Trong Câu Tiếng Anh

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Đang xem: Work as là gì

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mainly US And can I have two large pizzas with the works (= with all available types of food on top).
Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes an effort, often as part of a job or for study: …
Work as a countable noun means something created, especially a book or painting or piece of music or sculpture: …
If a machine or device works, it operates, especially correctly and without failure, and if you work it, you make it operate:
to succeed gradually in becoming something or cause a person or thing to become something, either by making an effort or by making many small movements:
to arrange for something to happen, especially by not using official methods and/or by being clever:
Can we work things (out) so that there”s always someone here to answer the phone during office hours?
Multinationals will have to work with governments to achieve the best balance between openness and security.

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to do a series of jobs at different levels in an organization until you reach a position at the top of the organization:
work your way up the ladder/hierarchy/ranks I”d like to stay here and work my way up the audit career ladder.
full-time/part-time work Many pensioners will have to consider part-time work to supplement their retirement plans.

Tham khảo ngay  Đặc Điểm Của Cổ Phiếu Ưu Đãi, Đặc Điểm, Lợi Ích Và Hạn Chế

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Analysts refer to various sources of information to help them make investment decisions in their day-to-day work.
Since many immigrants are planning to stay only temporarily, they frequently want to work extra hours to earn more.
In order for the equilibrium notion to do any work for the players, moreover, they should know each other”s strategies.
At 25 minutes” duration and requiring 25 players, it is one of the most substantial works ever to come out of the project.
One can argue that if a numerical scheme works well, then its numerical dissipation must have the same qualitative properties as the physical dissipation.
The teachers, as working women who were active in civic affairs, served as role models to the pupils.
Moreover, by working with the entire population of existing design solutions, it makes the indexation and selection of relevant cases redundant.






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